Red Rose School Cardiff


Dear Visitor,
Welcome, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to our school. I hope our website provides you with the information you are seeking and a little insight to school life.
We are a small, independent, special needs school in the Heath and Pontcanna area of Cardiff. Our pupils range in age from 7-19 years old. All of our pupils have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which may include moderate to severe learning needs, ADHD, Attachment Disorder, behavioural difficulties, and social and emotional difficulties. Often our pupils have had a challenging educational journey or been out of school for some time before joining us.
We have a highly dedicated and skilled team of staff who work hard to build relationships with, and nurture and develop every pupil in our community. Positive relationships with pupils and all stakeholders in our school is at the heart of our work. Our ethos is based on positive interaction and inclusive education, where all members of the community are respected. We provide a caring and supportive environment for our pupils, knowing that when they feel safe, they become less vigilant are able to learn, adapt, and manage their behaviour appropriately.
If you want to find out more about our school, we are very proud of it and happy to tell you more, so please do get in touch by phone or email.
Headteacher and Proprietor
Huw Pockett​
Red Rose School
The Old Church, Cathedral Road,
CF11 9JF