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Red Rose School Cardiff

"Thank you for giving my child consistency and helping him find positive ways to handle things"
KS3 Parent
"I feel that you do the best in everything regarding my childs needs."
KS4 Parent
"Learning to Flourish"
Red Rose School has up to 25 pupils and 20 staff. Our school has a positive and inclusive approach to managing behaviour, that is trauma informed. Our high staff to pupil ratio allows us to provide emotionally available adults and a bespoke curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of each individual pupil. We strive for a calm and caring ethos, where adult responses are consistent and predictable for the pupils. We know that when our pupils become self-regulated they are able to learn and thrive.
Some of our pupils learn better in a 1:1 setting but our aspiration is always for them to develop friendships in learning groups with their peers. This way they get to practice and develop the social and emotional resilience that will help them flourish as adults. Also, it is more fun to be part of a group. Our groups are structured with a Lead Teacher, supportive Learning Guides and groups of up to six pupils.
We use a range of positive behaviour management strategies and a reward system personal to each pupil. Through this unified approach we aim to gradually reduce inappropriate and negative behaviours and encourage pupils to recognise and move towards more socially acceptable and successful behaviours.
We provide a caring and supportive environment for our pupils, knowing that when they feel safe, they become less vigilant are able to learn, adapt, and manage their behaviour more appropriately.
We put a great emphasis on the importance of interacting with others in respectful ways through speech, actions and building relationships. We expect strong emotions from our pupils but aim to teach them how to manage and express themselves in healthier ways than they might have used or had access to before. We provide learning opportunities and choices for the pupils, so that they experience a ‘real world’ model of choice and consequence, and therefore autonomy.
"Red Rose School is a close-knit community that offers strong care and support for its pupils. The caring ethos ensures that pupils attend regularly and feel safe at school."
Estyn March 2022
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